The Global Drama Project is an indie entertainment production company based in New York City. We work on creating platforms for young and underrepresented artists from around the world to showcase their art.

Unfortunately, there’s never enough space for everyone’s art, but within some communities opportunities are so scarce that brilliant artists never have their work see the light of day (or the darkness of a theater).

So... We've created the Global Drama Project Short Film Festival!

We'll be showcasing selected short films at a live screening event in NYC, followed by live Q&A's. Films will be showcased by category, Narrative Films, Documentary Films, Queer Cinema, Best BIPOC Filmmakers, Best Female Filmmakers, International Films. In the evening of the event there will be a red carpet awards ceremony honoring the winners of each category, along with Best Actor and Best Film grand prize.

We are committed to fair opportunities and equal representation.

About the event:

We will be screening each category as its own ‘block’ followed by a live Q&A with some of the selected film filmmakers, both in person and screened virtual live Q&A’s. All selected films will be screened at our in-person festival at The Producer’s Club right by Times Square in New York City, as well as receive digital laurels, exposure on our social media platforms and website, and have the opportunity to compete for cash prizes and gifts. All selected films will also be featured on our online festival for two weeks after the event date. All winners will receive a cash prize, a gift from our sponsors, a digital winner’s laurel, and an award (can be shipped nationwide).

Dates & Times:

September 20th & 21st, 2024
3pm-10pm (specific screening times of each category will be announced shortly)


The Producer’s Club
358 W 44th St.
Manhattan, New York 10036

Selected films:

All films (selected and rejected) will be notified on August 19th or earlier. Filmmakers must deliver all necessary materials by August 31st. Filmmakers of selected films are invited to the festival free of charge and are entitled to two (2) complimentary tickets to the showing of their film category as well as two (2) discounted tickets for additional guests. Additional discounted tickets or complimentary tickets to additional category screening can be arranged with the festival’s management.

All filmmakers of selected films are invited to the awards ceremony, on the evening of September 21st, to honor the winner of each category, the winner of best film, and the winner for best actor. The ceremony will be held at the same location as screenings.

Selection and judgment process:

Selection and programming of the festival’s films is done by our diverse selection committee.

Selected films are then moved forward to be viewed by our judges, an artistic panel of writers, directors, producers, and professors from around the world. The judges will then rate the different aspects and qualities of each film to determine the winners.

Our partners:

We are proud to partner this year with The Female Film Club and Quixote Production Rentals.

The Female Film Club is an online community and app where filmmakers from all over the world learn together, get challenged, work on their craft and create lifelong connections with like minded creatives. With over 1,000 members from over 52 nationalities, dozens of masterclasses and workshops, and networking events both online and offline, the Female Film Club will improve your mindset, skill and network in a relaxed and nourishing space.

At Quixote , we’re passionate about the art of storytelling. Named after the legendary dreamer, we believe if you can dream it, it can be real.

Supplying the best studios, vehicles & equipment available. Budget friendly, location friendly, production friendly.